Graphic Novel Storytelling for Social Change

Graphic Novel Storytelling for Social Change

September 27, 2023, 1 pm ET, Wednesday ONLINE

How can we use what we love to help others? 

In this workshop, graphic novelist Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez will talk about how growing up with a love of comic books lit his passion for social justice. He will share how he created the character of La Borinqueña to gain public attention and support for the current humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico and to give an underrepresented community an icon who embodies cultural pride, power, and resilience like the people of Puerto Rico.

“He’s stupid.” 
When we disagree with people, we sometimes find ourselves wanting to discard the whole person. With so much in our daily lives that we can’t control, showing disdain is a concrete action we can take to offer temporary relief. After those five seconds where our negative judgment feels like a tidying up of the world, does it ever really help?
How do we bridge our differences and move beyond “winning” an argument or just being "polite" to creating spaces for collaboration? How can we disagree and still move forward?
In this workshop, we’ll go beyond discussions of increasing global polarization and conflict to exploring what showing up for one another in the present moment can look like, even when it’s uncomfortable. Together we will identify the common threads that unite us and learn how to use them to have constructive dialogue with people who seem like they are on the opposing side
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