The Story of What We Eat: Food and Identity

The Story of What We Eat: Food and Identity


Allison Argueta Claros is a Salvadoran-American student in her last year
at NYU Gallatin, studying migration and transnationalism through policy and writing, with an anticipated minor in creative writing. She is especially interested in how narratives shape policy outcomes (and vice versa) in oral history, media, and the liminal legality experienced by immigrants. 

Allison Argueta Claros is a Salvadoran-American student in her last yearat NYU Gallatin, studying migration and transnationalism through policy and writing, with an anticipated minor in creative writing. She is especially interested in how narratives shape policy outcomes (and vice versa) in oral history, media, and the liminal legality experienced by immigrants. 



Student Allison Argueta Claros offers a series of activities on food and identity, specifically focusing on examples from artists celebrating their immigrant identities.